Nightly Writings by Robert Vidaure


#004: Life Expenses.

I often think about whether or not I’m on the right path, which leads to many questions. Did I make the right career choices? Am I making a difference? Do I need to be making more money? But those kinds of questions get in the way of what really matters.

It’s important to remember not to be too obsessed with making a living at the expense of living a life. Money and success will only fulfill you temporarily. Life and the moments in between are precious. Live them, and never forget the ones that made a difference.

One day, I think you’ll look back and be thankful you lived rather than worrying about things you'll never be able to take with you when it’s all over.

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#003: Follow the Vision, Not the Leader.

Why do we aspire to lead? I believe some of us are here to care for others. A good leader is selfless and empowers the people around them. They often lead through a vision of optimism.